Brian O'Lynn
DJ, 1966
Brian O'Lynn had no britches to wear
He got him a sheepskin to make him a one
With the woolly side out and the fleshy side in
*Twill be pleasant and cool, says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn had no hat to put on
He got him a neighbour to give him a one
There was none of the crown left and less of the brim
'Twill be fine ventialtion says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn had no watch to put on
He scooped out a turnip to make him a one
He put a young cricket in under the skin
Sure they'll think it is ticking says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn had no coat to put on
He borrowed a goatskin to make him a one
He planted the horns right under his chin
Sure they'll anwer for pistols says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn had a house had no door
The sky for a roof and the bog for a floor
There's a way to swim out and a way to swim in
'Tis a fine habitation says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn went a-courting one night
He set both the mother and daughter to fight
To fight for his hand they stripped to the skin
Sure I'll marry you both says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn and his wife and wife's mother
They all went over the water together
But the bridge it fell down and they all tumbled in
We'll go home by the water says Brian O'Lynn
Brian O'Lynn and his wife and wife's mother
They all climbed into the bed together
But the shets they were old and the blankets were thin
Lie close to the wall, says Brian O'Lynn
From Dave obviously.
Not quite sure whether this is about the antics of a Irishman who is not quite right in the head, or an Irishman making the best of a bad deal. At any rate it turns into something else towards the end - here Brian O'Lynn seems to come out on top whatever happens.
There are a number of catalogue songs - and there are versions of this where he makes a shirt and stockings and so forth. There are verses travelling round in other songs that can be stolen. The Old Grey Mare, Sedgfield farm and so on.