
—— folk family and jam

Buy broom besoms

If ye want a besom for to sweep you house
Come to Mamie Hennie's; you may have your choose
Buy broom besoms buy them when they're new
Fine heather bredons better never grew.

If I had a wife I'd care not what she be
As long as she's a woman that's enough for me

If that she be bonny, I would think it right
If that she be ugly where's the odds at night

If that she be fruitful I would think it fair
If that she be barren the less would be me care

If that she be young how happy I should be
If that she be old the quicker she would die

If she like the whisky, her and I'd agree
If she doesn't like it, all the more for me

From  Dave obviously.

Purporting I suppose to be a market song - a smallholder selling brooms at the market? 
A besom is a broom; a broom besom is a broom made of broom (the stuff that looks like gorse without the spines). 
Heather bredons - I don't know what they are - I've always assumed them to be another kind of (smaller) broom made of heather.  It's not a word that is found in the English language - or in the original version of the poem.
It is a poem by Robert Burns that's turned into a folk song.  Or more likely the other way round. 

The Poem by Robert Burns.

Buy broom besoms! Wha will buy them now?
Fine heather ringers, better never grew.

I maun hae a wife, whatsoe'er she be;
An she be a woman, that's eneugh for me.

If that she be bony, I shall think her right:
If that she be ugly, where's the odds at night?

O, an she be young, how happy shall I be?
If that she be auld, the sooner she will die.

If that she be fruitfu', O! what a joy is there!
If she be barren, less will be my care.

Be she green or gray; be she black or fair;
Let her be a woman, I shall seek nae mair.

If she like a drappie, she and I'll agree;
If she dinna like it, there's the mair for me.