
—— folk family and jam

bonny bunch of thyme

The bunch of thyme

Oak, 1972, Welcome to my fair

Come all ye maidens young and fair
All you that do flourish in your prime
I'd have you beware
And keep your garden square
And let no man steal away you bunch of thyme

For thyme it is a precious thing
Thyme brings all things to your mind
Time with its labours
Along with all its joys
O Time brings all things to an end

Once I had a bunch of thymne
I thought it never would decay
Until a saucy fiddler
He chanced to pass my way
And he stole away me bonny bunch of thyme

The fiddler played to me a tune
A tune that never would decay
He played me the tune
To keep me well minded of
The night he stole away me bunch of thyme


From Oak's record Welcome to my Fair.  (I am the proud possessor of a signed - all four - copy of the record.) 

This is not my recording.  There are two reasons why I have chosen to include this commercial recording.
Firstly - this is another Webb, who would otherwise be invisible in these recordings, despite her undoubted influence.  Peta Webb was Dave's wife for a time (a long time ago now).  She was also one quarter of Oak in the 70's, and is still an active and prominent figure and performer in the traditional folk scene. 
Secondly because this is (for me) the epitome of a folk song - and the first verse and chorus illustrate the staggering range of meanings and connotations of thyme / time in play here.

Peta is a serious traditional artist, and so not really playing in the same league.  In a number of ways.
I have included it out of admiration. 
Should anyone be offended, let me make amends by recommending Peta's available albums.